Here’s What We’ll Be Demanding of Candidates

March 28, 2024

Red Deer is having it’s first by-election on April 22nd. It’s an historic opportunity to elect a councillor that will fight for the issues that matter to us. At Community Strong, we’ll be endorsing candidates who seek to make change and have impact.

We’ll be asking them questions on these values to make sure they’re stepping up to make our communities stronger.

PUBLIC SERVICES: Public services are a crucial part of life for many in our city; almost 2,000 locals are employed through the city’s public services. We’ll make sure candidates believe in well-funded public services. Public services should never be contracted out or cut in favour of public-private partnerships.

TRANSIT: Transit use has been steadily increasing over the last few years and has recovered to pre-pandemic levels of use. We need a government that supports our transit system, make sure it is well funded so it can function effectively and grow. Increased frequency and new, practical routes will increase ridership and support the growth of our city. 

DOWNTOWN: The problems facing our downtown core has been a hot button issue lately—as have been potential solutions. We need to find a balance between supporting those seeking services in the downtown and supporting business owners in the area. 

HOUSING: Housing affordability is a serious issue across the province. It is important that Red Deer remains an affordable place to live. We need increased city support for non-market housing options such as affordable housing units and rent supplement programs and we need the city to lobby other levels of government for funding to do so.

We’ll be endorsing candidates that are going to step up on these issues. Make sure to join us so you can learn our endorsements for the by-election on April 22.

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